
SQI is committed to meeting your quality challenges in the most cost-effective manner possible. Reworking a part or component is often the solution. With the opportunity to save millions of dollars by reworking and returning the usable product back into production is one way we work for you. We have the experience to evaluate your quality issues, help facilitate communication, make cost-effective recommendations, and implement the best possible solutions.

The value of reworking nonconforming product versus scrapping out and having to replace the stock at your customer is a quicker lower cost. The impact this will have on your customer will be minimal, especially when facing a potential line shut down.

Being able to avoid the proverbial “black eye,” by utilizing a reputable company, coupled with experience and work ethics often not found in today’s sorting & inspection companies is a bonus by itself.

Superior Quality, Inc.

P.O. Box 132
Jenison, MI 49429
PH: 616-667-9308
FX: 616-667-9309

Superior Quality, Inc.

Building 1
6690 Pine Ridge Court
Jenison, MI 49428

Superior Quality, Inc.

Inspection Facility
2081 Pine Ridge Drive
Jenison, MI 49428

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ISO 9001:2015 Certification