SQI offers a wide variety of inspection services. Our inspectors have the background to perform simple one-day visual inspections to large-scale Level II containment.
Each sorting location will have an on-site supervisor who manages and oversees the entire operation including set-up, training, and reporting. This person will also be your in-plant contact for any questions you may have. Every Inspector will wear an SQI shirt so your plant personnel will be able to identify us. We inspect, separate and mark each part or container as conforming or non-conforming.
Rejected parts will be marked as such and placed into a reject labeled container, quarantining rejected and defective parts.
During and concluding all inspections, we record & report all pertinent data through various formats. Pareto charts, Paynter charts, and daily non-conformance report forms are just a few that we utilize. If you prefer, we can customize any forms to meet your specific needs or use one of yours.
SQI Guarantee
If a defective part is found in a container we have inspected, based on the inspection criteria provided by our customer, we will re-inspect the contents of the container at no charge to our customer, provided integrity of the container has not been compromised. We inspect for customer-defined criteria and certify that the parts are defect free.

Superior Quality, Inc.
P.O. Box 132
Jenison, MI 49429
PH: 616-667-9308
FX: 616-667-9309

Superior Quality, Inc.
Building 1
6690 Pine Ridge Court
Jenison, MI 49428

Superior Quality, Inc.
Inspection Facility
2081 Pine Ridge Drive
Jenison, MI 49428